Ornament Hunting on Black Friday: Top Picks and Hidden Gems


Black Friday, the much-awaited shopping extravaganza, is not just about snagging the best deals on electronics and fashion. For avid ornament collectors and holiday enthusiasts, it's the perfect opportunity to embark on an exciting adventure: ornament hunting. The day after Thanksgiving offers a unique experience for those seeking to adorn their trees with exquisite baubles and unique decorations. Discover the top picks and hidden gems you can find while ornament hunting with Old World Christmas on Black Friday.

1. Traditional Elegance

For Christmas fans who eschew trends and stick to the traditional aspects of this special holiday, Old World Christmas has a trove of traditional Christmas ornaments for you. Santa, snowmen (and snow women too!), nutcrackers, and Rudolph add fun merriment to ornament shopping and decorating the tree. Nativity ornaments and glittering reflector ornaments also add a traditional essence to the Christmas season. 



2. Quirky and Whimsical

For those who prefer a more playful approach to holiday decor, Black Friday offers a plethora of whimsical ornaments to choose from. Think funny animals, characters from popular movies and cartoons, and humorous designs that will bring a smile to your face. Keep an eye out for ornaments that curate a unique and quirky style, turning your tree into a delightful spectacle that captures the spirit of fun and joy.



3. Woodland Treasures

For those who love and relish in the changing of the season and watching nature ebb and flow, we recommend checking out our vintage woodland ornaments on Black Friday as well as our extensive bird ornament collection. There are so many! Filling an evergreen Christmas tree with birds and critters brings the beauty and light of nature inside during a dark and dreary season.



4. Color Story

Black Friday ornament shopping could stay in one color theme. We make it so easy on our website to shop by color, so if your Black Friday shopping extravaganza is jammed with too many stores in not enough time, rest easy because shopping by color is a cinch. We have a feeling the color pink will show up a lot this season!



5. License to Shop:

Black Friday ornament shopping is easy with so many choices and we think you can find something for everyone on your naughty and nice list. Including middle-school boys who play video games and eat junk food. In fact, we think some of our funniest ornaments reside in our licensed ornament collection! Scroll through them all.



Ornament hunting on Black Friday is not just a shopping spree; it's an exciting adventure filled with possibilities. Whether you prefer traditional elegance, whimsical charm, creatures, color, nostalgia, or licensed ornaments, this festive season offers a myriad of options to cater to every taste and style. So, gear up, explore, and let the hunt for the perfect ornaments begin, turning your tree into a dazzling masterpiece that reflects your unique personality and holiday spirit. Happy hunting!

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Written by

Rachael Mitchell

Rachael Mitchell is a freelance writer based in Seattle, Washington, and has over 15 years of writing experience. She’d never be able to pick just one favorite ornament, but narrowed it down to the S’more and Tennis Ball. She always looks forward to s’mores in the summer with friends and family adding gourmet ingredients, and played 4 years of college tennis in the mid-west.

1 comment

Very nice collections for all

Barbara W Chapman

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